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Beautiful Moments

January 1 2015
My first proper walk in Tawangmangu happened on the new year of 2015. My dad, my cousin and I went hiking through the fields of Tawangmangu – to be precise, the ones that are near the road to Sarangan. The hike lasted for 3 hours or so, and we didn’t feel tired at all, partly due to our excitement and our young age. Because my dad only opened his phone a couple of times during the hike, this photo is one of the few remaining evidences of the hike.

March 17 2015
Perhaps the picture doesn't tell much just a selfie of me in an auditorium. It is, however, a memorable photograph because it is one out of a few remaining selfies that were taken at my first English competition.
The competition  was a speech competition with contestants from all around Central Java and Yogyakarta. The first round was just like any other speech contest you go and present your speech. The real challenge, in my opinion, was during the second round, where you must make an impromptu speech on an impromptu topic and answer the judges' question (or two) regarding your speech. For a junior high student, it was a challenging and tough contest. Thankfully, I made it through and won the competition. I was so happy that day, because coincidentally, the competition was held on my birthday so it was an unforgettable birthday 
